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Dispensing Booth

Dispensing booth is a kind of partial purifying equipment for filling, refilling, weighing and sampling of raw material and compounds. It is provided with HEPA filter, which prevents the airborne dusts by down draught technique. Protection of the personnel in the cabinet from the processed substances by vertical flow with ReverseFlow of clean air protection of the raw and intermediate products to be processed. Protection of the room where the cabinet is built up and environment from highly active substance which otherwise would disperese in the room and escape in the atmosphere unfiltered.

The unit eliminates powder contamination to protect the operator and the surrounding environment.Dispensing booth is also called sampling booth or weighing booth.

  • Wooden/M.S Powder Coated / STAINLESS STEEL BODY (304)
  • HEPA Filter (0.3 micron)
  • Fine Filter (5 micron)
  • Pre-Filter (10 micron)
  • Motor Blower Assembly
  • U.V. Light
  • Fluorescent Lamp
  • Operatating Switch
  • Stainless Steel Standing Base
  • High quality HEPA filter provides protection for the product
  • Ultra-quiet noise level of not more than 65 dBA.
  • Durable and easy to clean stainless steel body.
  • Work area properly illuminate